2 pounds fresh strawberries - washed and sliced
1/2 cup sugar
2/3 cup water
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tablespoon corn starch
1. In a medium sauce pan, combine water, strawberries, sugar, and lemon juice. Cook on high heat, stirring consistently until mixture comes to a boil.
2. After the mixture begins to boil, reduce heat to low, and allow mixture to simmer for 8-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat.
3. Using a Pyrex bowl and mesh strainer, pour strawberries into strainer. With a wooden spoon, press berries to extract as much juice as possible. Dispose of remaining berry solids.
4. Set aside 3 tbsp of berry juice in a small bowl and allow to cool. Return remaining juice to saucepan and continue simmering over low heat.
4. Mix cornstarch into cooled berry juice, then add to pan of simmering berry juice.
5. Increase heat to high, and continue whisking mixture for 3-5 minutes until mixture thickens.
6. Remove from heat and pour into bowl until mixture is cooled to room temperature. When mixture is cool, cover and refrigerate. Glazed can also be placed in freezer for later use.